Aanbhi Entertainment is your ultimate destination for experiencing the vibrant culture of Nepal in Japan. We take pride in bringing the latest and greatest of Nepali Movie to the big screens, giving you a chance to witness the rich storytelling and artistry of the Nepali film industry. We also host a variety of cultural events that showcase the best of Nepal's art, music, and dance, giving you a taste of the country's diverse heritage. And with our easy-to-use event ticketing service, it's never been simpler to plan your entertainment experience with us. Let Aanbhi be your gateway to the captivating world of Nepal.


Name   株式会社AANBHI
   AANBHI Entertainment
Found   2020
Representative   Amrit Giri
Address 神奈川県横浜市西区平沼1丁目127-13ライオンズマンション平沼第2
Contact  TEL: +81-80-4200-2959
 E-mail:[email protected]
Service – Film Distribution, Screening Event, Press & Promotion
Our Recent Titles Gharjwai
Chhakka Panja-4